Scone or Scon? Cream or Jam first

Pronouncing it Scone or Scon... 

and is it Cream or Jam First?

It’s ridiculous how many column inches (and even scientific studies, I kid you not) that are devoted to the topic of the pronunciation of the word Scone AND whether the correct way to eat it is by putting the cream or jam first on to your treat.

I’m involved in a twitter group called @CreamTeaHour (Thursdays 8pm) and almost always, no matter what topic we’re supposed to be debating, it comes back to arguing over Scone/Scon and Cream or Jam first.  It’s vehement stuff too!  I’m sure wars have been fought over less.

Unfathomable to Overseas Visitors?

What must overseas folks think of us?  I’ve never yet seen Americans arguing over the order of mustard or ketchup on their hotdogs.  
For a start, there’s the misconception that a Cream Tea involves putting cream into your actual cup of tea. Oh dear.  And let’s not even touch on the problem of calling Afternoon Tea ‘High Tea’.  Sigh.

But furthermore, overseas people have invariably never even tasted Clotted Cream and have no idea what that treasured treat is in the first place.
Rodda is one of our treasured UK companies making Clotted Cream in Cornwall and their site will tell you more about the making of this delicious treat.

Furthermore 3 times when I’ve been in North America, I’ve been offered marmalade instead of jam with my scones (uh oh). Also, what we Brits call a scone and what other nations call one, is somewhat different too…and biscuits fall into that debatable category as well!  Evidently, it's a confusing topic all round.

Really, the best thing is for you to come on over so you can taste and adore our lovely scones, clotted cream and luscious jams!

English Cream Tea by The English Cream Tea Co

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